In my use of AceUtilities 2.6, I discovered a problem with the "Remove Junk Files" utility. In facts, the scanner detects 5 files called "MSVDM-DesktopX.bmp" X is number from 0 to 3 and "MSVDM-Preview.bmp". They are located in "C:\Documents and Settings\X\Application Data\Local Settings\Temp" folder (X is the name of the logged user) and are created by the Virtual Desktop Manager PowerToy developped by Microsoft ( ... rtoys.mspx). Deleting these files lead to a program issue, this one couln't load wallpapers anymore. Only unistalling and installing again worked for me (the repair option in the PowerToys installer doesn't solve the problem).
You can of course avoid this problem by adding these files in the "ignore list" and uncheck the option "Do not use the ignore list in the Temp folder".
Could these files be added to the original ignore list of AceUtilities ?
Best Regards,
Cabbage Prophet