1. Cookies be sorted by checked/unchecked to ease the process of seeing what 'new' cookies are there?
2. Could schedule show when last done as well as when next due?
Minor Bits
thanks for the suggestions.
I dont know how suggestion 1 can help you find new cookies as it is difficult if there are a lot of cookies. We will try and figure out a better solution.
Schedule already shows the next run time.
Schedule tool is actually an interface to the control panel's scheduled Tasks tool. You can already view the last run time and and next run time, using Control Panel > Scheduled Tasks.
thanks for the suggestions.
I dont know how suggestion 1 can help you find new cookies as it is difficult if there are a lot of cookies. We will try and figure out a better solution.
Schedule already shows the next run time.
Schedule tool is actually an interface to the control panel's scheduled Tasks tool. You can already view the last run time and and next run time, using Control Panel > Scheduled Tasks.
Hari, Acelogix Team
Hari, Acelogix Team