Registry Finder suggestions

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Registry Finder suggestions

Post by FAM07 » Thu Jul 10, 2014 4:49 pm

It would be great if we get a new and renovated version of Registry Finder. Possibly it would be necessary to make some updated changes for optimizing its functioning on the last Windows version (8.1).

Is in your plans to release a new version?

On the other hand, I suggest that Registry Finder Options to have the item "Save column widths" as is present in Ace Utilities.

Also It will be convenient to improve the deleting method of keys because when a key of HKey Current User is eliminated, the corresponding key of HKey Users is unable to eliminate (then, with a new Scan, that HKey Users key does not appear). Another thing is that in most of cases it is not possible to eliminate simultaneously several keys, some of them remains in the list.

I will be waiting comments, thanks in advance.

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Re: Registry Finder suggestions

Post by Aneesh » Wed Jul 16, 2014 5:22 pm

Yes, there is an update coming for Registry Finder. It will address issues from the previous version and provide full compatibility with Windows 8.1.
Acelogix Software Team.

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