Plug-in Maker for Ace Utilities

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Plug-in Maker for Ace Utilities

Post by Aneesh » Tue Mar 30, 2010 9:44 am

Plug-in Maker for Ace Utilities

You can use this tool to create plug-ins for yourself.


Brief explanation:

1) Start pluginmaker.exe

2) To add a registry item to delete, click 'Add Registry Action'. After you enter the registry path in the provided location, the rest of the options will become active.
* To delete a key > Enable action 'Delete key'. If you want to keep the key but delete the information in it, enable 'Keep empty key'.
* To delete a value inside the key > Enable action 'Delete Value' and then enter the name of the value.
* To delete a list of values > Enable action 'Delete value list' and provide the pattern with which the values start.
example: to delete all values which starts with 'File' (File0, File1, File2,...,FileN), enter 'File' as the pattern.
* To delete a list of subkeys under a key > Enable action 'Delete subkey list' and enter the common key name pattern.

3) To add a disk path, click 'Add File/Folder action'. Provide the path. You can drag and drop a particular folder here and pluginmaker will automatically enter the path for you.
* To empty the contents of the provided folder > choose 'Empty the folder'
* To delete a set of files which match a particular pattern, enter that pattern. There are provisions to (a) include subfolders, and (b) exclude files which matches a certain pattern.
* To clear contents of an .ini (configuration) file > choose 'Delete INI file/section key'. Provide the ini file name, the section you want to go to and the keys under that section you want to remove. If no key is provided, the selected section will be emptied.

4) Click 'Test' to see what all files/entries will be deleted from the disk/registry once you integrate this plug-in in Ace Utilities. This is only a simulation.

5) Fill the various columns regarding the plug-in (description, version no., etc) and click 'Save'.

6) Once you finish making the plug-in, put it in the 'Plugins' folder inside the Ace Utilities installation folder. Start Ace Utilities, go to Erase Your History > Plugins and enable the newly added plug-in.

Ace Utilities WILL NOT VERIFY the 'importance' of the path provided in the plug-ins you make. Manipulating the registry requires some level of expertise. Please make sure that you don't add paths/locations (disk/registry) the removal of which could hamper the working of applications or Windows itself.

You won't be able to edit plug-ins that come with Ace Utilities setup using the plugin maker.
Acelogix Software Team.

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Posts: 898
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Re: Plug-in Maker for Ace Utilities

Post by Aneesh » Fri Jun 17, 2011 3:06 pm

June 17, 2011

Updated pluginmaker.
! Fixed a bug related to the 'index numbering' of actions to be performed in a plugin.

Acelogix Software Team.

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