To re-post my problem in a more complete AND a more correct manner:
My Ace Ute cleanings have recently started filling my recycle bin with -
the usual junk files, of course, but also,
25-50 'cab' files ( all of which seem to be of either 0 bytes size, or, 2.xx MB size), along with 50-100 'log' text documents, all of which seem to be named after my computer and are sequentially timed. e.g. RICKYDESK-DELL-20150718-1146.log
and seem to be generated about every 15-30 minutes by Some program in my system.
Does anyone have any idea, or even a good guess, why this has started showing up, just in the last few months. It's really bugging me now and I just have to find out the whys and wherefores.
I have now completely Deleted my new Word document (my book), but all of these things are Still being found by new cleanings, so, I guess that I was wrong to assume that it was just because of my Office 2010 Word program.
Which just begs the question; Well then, what is the reason, or program, or checkbox/selection/option that IS causing this, - that never did before?
Ok, I may have posted that Incorrectly.
Re: Ok, I may have posted that Incorrectly.
Hey there, I just wanted to post to my own solution. The culprit in this particular case is Microsoft corp., itself. All of these 'cab' files and '.log' text files are part of a 'boot event' logger associated with my new WindowsPhone and the WindowsPhone Hardware Development Team. I think there may be nothing that I can do about it. Thanx just the same, and as always, "Ace Utilities is still the BEST, and I have tried A LOT of them."