Registry Defragmenter & Compactor

General discussion about Acelogix Software products

Registry Defragmenter & Compactor

Post by MyAllyCat » Tue Jan 04, 2005 2:20 pm

Hello... I've been looking around for a utility suite (similar to Norton Utilities used to be) & have been trying out Ace Utilities. I must say that this is so far one of the ones that are still on my list to purchase.

I was wondering how come (since Registry Defragmenter & Compactor is free to use with Ace Utilities purchase) is not included with Ace itself? I mean couldn't there be a option for Registry Defragmenter & Compactor under the optimize section? That way it is more convienant & able to do all this under one program. Anyway just a thought.

Thanks again for Ace & looks very promising!!


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Re: Registry Defragmenter & Compactor

Post by Inkster » Thu Feb 17, 2005 8:46 am

MyAllyCat wrote: snipped... I've been looking around for a utility suite ... have been trying out Ace Utilities. I must say that this is so far one of the ones that are still on my list to purchase.
I agree with Jana, and I noticed Ace got a Bronze Award somewhere and I like Ace better than the other leaders ... because it might be based somewhere close to my home in Kansas, (?) Go Shocker baseball!
MyAllyCat wrote: snipped... couldn't there be a option for Registry Defragmenter & Compactor under the optimize section? Jana
I'm also interested in the question above before I purchase...

And maybe some other questions... What does your Defragmenter & Compactor *do* that is any more efficient than exporting the registry from a command prompt in windows with the command [regedit /e backup.reg] and then booting to a command prompt- starting smartdrv for a little ram help and typing [scanreg /c backup.reg]? Are those utilities just a convenient way to have the already existing commands run, or does your programming do a better job putting the registry pieces together? faster? cleaner? I'm confused. Please don't misunderstand... I am not being critical... I just want to know if I'm buying the convenience and savings in time from typing the commands myself from dos, or am I buying a program that is "smarter" or "better" somehow than the utilities that are already on my computer?

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Post by Aneesh » Thu Feb 17, 2005 10:44 am

Registry Defragmenter and Compactor optimizes the Windows Registry by rebuilding it, removing unused space,if any, resulting in a lesser-sized compact registry. It is different than taking a mere backup and using scanreg tool. Also, scanreg tool does not apply to Windows XP.
Acelogix Software Team.

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Post by Inkster » Thu Feb 17, 2005 2:59 pm

Aneesh wrote:Registry Defragmenter and Compactor optimizes the Windows Registry by rebuilding it, removing unused space,if any, resulting in a lesser-sized compact registry. It is different than taking a mere backup and using scanreg tool. Also, scanreg tool does not apply to Windows XP.
I assume that when you say "taking a mere backup" you mean the command that exports the registry to a file:

scanreg /e backup.reg

And when you say "using scanreg tool"

You are referring to the command that imports the file:

scanreg /c backup.reg

Which removes unused space and results in a lesser-sized registry.

So how is "Registry Defragmenter and Compactor" any *different*

than *scanreg* ???

You did not answer the question.

So I must try once more and hope for an honest answer. Is there something unique and different in the process that exports the database and rewrites it without any wasted space? It seems that you can take a man's apple off the tree and shine it up for him for a price; but you should at least tell him that it was his own apple to begin with and you are just charging him for the polish.

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Post by Aneesh » Thu Feb 17, 2005 4:06 pm

So how is "Registry Defragmenter and Compactor" any *different* than *scanreg* ???
In Windows 98 and Windows ME, the effect of using the Registry defragmentor is 'similar' to that of using the Os's bundled 'scanreg' tool with a /fix and,or /opt switch. So, both the 'Registry compactor' and the 'Scanreg' essentially compress the Windows registry, but the resulting size can vary.

For Windows XP, there exists no bundled tool like 'scanreg' that scans/compacts registry, atleast that I know of.

The Registry scanning and compacting process is done programatically by reading and exporting registry branches after eliminating unused blocks of space, NOT by 'calling' scanreg tool in the background or any other 'pre-build' tools bundled with the operating system or any third-party products.

"scanreg /e" ? You mean "regedit /e" ?

"scanreg /c" Is such a switch available ?
It seems that you can take a man's apple off the tree and shine it up for him for a price; but you should at least tell him that it was his own apple to begin with and you are just charging him for the polish...
This would only apply here if we are making 'cosmetic' changes to an 'existing product' such as 'scanreg' and releasing it to the public, which is clearly not the case here.

Registry Defragmentor and compactor tool was initially released to supplement the 'Clean system Registry' section of Ace Utilities, and those users who have purchased Ace Utilities can download and use this tool free of charge. Over the time, Registry defrag & Compactor was made a trialware for those who want to purchase this product alone.

I hope this clarifies some of your doubts. :)
Acelogix Software Team.

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Post by Inkster » Thu Feb 17, 2005 4:34 pm

Aneesh wrote:
... snipped...
"scanreg /e" ? You mean "regedit /e" ?

"scanreg /c" Is such a switch available ?
Yes! I apologize... I haven't looked at that batch file for tooo long.
(It uses regedit.exe with the /e switch to export the file and then recreates the registry with the /c switch on the same file and during that process "compacts" it.)
Aneesh wrote:... snipped... This would only apply here if we are making 'cosmetic' changes to an 'existing product' such as 'scanreg' and releasing it to the public, which is clearly not the case here.
Thank you. Unfortunately there *are* other utilities available in the electronic soup that do exactly that, are not much "smarter" than my batch file (with a check in the "suggest dos mode") to reboot with a new config; load smartdrv; and regedit /c from dos.

I knew that ACE utilities had to be better than that, even for old win98 boxes like mine. If I hadn't disremembered scanreg for regedit you would have seen what I meant right away. :)

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registry compacting

Post by jazzbodepew » Thu Feb 17, 2005 6:04 pm

Greetings neighbors and friends

Just a little foot note on this exchange:I believe when you use regedit (either the windows or DOS version) to Export then ,subsequently, Import the registry-in Win98/Me- the(DOS level) "OPT" switch is effected..
Like everything else in WinXP these functions are more integrated and automatic..

Bottom line though:

Ace Utilities is the best program of its kind for managing and maintaining Windows Operating Systems and files!

It's interesting to think of the "Home-base" of a software product..
Dorthy was from Kansas but it was from far away she gained wisdom and knowledge.
We all know she never really left the farm.
That'ss sort of how this "computer-age" can make the World a better place...
So Use "Ace" and "Trust the Wizard!"
8) jazz..................aka...................DenB...............
~ ~

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Post by Cal » Fri Feb 18, 2005 1:07 am

My Man Jazz!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

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