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Is Ace utilities finding all errors

Posted: Tue Feb 13, 2007 3:15 pm
by graham
I tried a promoted version of Premium Booster ( which seems to offer the same Registry checking for errors feature as Ace Utilities. The Premium Booster was run after using Ace Registry clean and it found some additional 400 errors. Most of these were in the Active X & Com area but even allowing for those which Ace found plus those ignored by Ace this only accounted for approx 200.

Thus the question - does Ace Registry Clean find all errors.

Posted: Tue Feb 13, 2007 4:01 pm
by Aneesh
Ace Utilities employs various safety measures for many of its tools so that your PC does not run into troubles due to any entry/file being removed. Over time, after feedbacks and suggestions from users who have tried out previous versions, we have set the tools to exclude various entries while scanning to avoid any possible issues afterwards. So, the total number of entries found *may* vary when compared to other tools.

It is recommend to run the Registry cleaner a second time if, in the first scan, the tool has found many errors, esp. those related to ActiveX and COM, because you may find a few more entries made invalid by the deletion of certain entries removed during the first scan.

If you really want to live life dangerously, try scanning after disabling the 'Ignore list' for the Registry cleaner (Options > Registry Cleaner).

Posted: Fri Feb 16, 2007 3:32 am
by hari

Also, many entries are duplicated in almost all registry cleaners, so the actual number of errors found will be less. One need to be really careful when deleting entries from the ActiveX/Com area.