Ace Utilities 3 problem with Univeral Shield 4

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Ace Utilities 3 problem with Univeral Shield 4

Post by VperedYo » Wed Jan 18, 2006 11:06 pm

I have installed new Ace Utilities to see how it works (before i had version 2.4) and there is problem with Universal Shield 4.0 ( which i never had before. When i clean my registry with Ace Utilities i can not open Universal Shield 4.0 with hot keys.Therefore i can't access to my protected(hidden) files.Also i use stealth option in Universal Shield. But when i restore back up from last registry cleaning and reboot computer, then Universal Shield works fine and i can open it with my hot keys.
I don't know what Ace Utilities 3 did to my registry because i am not expert for this but both Ace Utilities and Univeral Shield are my favourite programs.I just want to "report" this issue in hope that future version of Ace Utilities can work better.Thank You and sorry for my bad english.

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Post by Aneesh » Sat Jan 21, 2006 5:46 pm

Ok, here is what you have to do.

First, find out what is the name of the folder where you have installed Universal Shield. By default, the name will be "Universal Shield". Then, open the Windows Notepad program. Type the following lines given inside the quote :
desc=Ignores certain values related to Universal Shield.

0=\Universal Shield
Note: If your folder name is not Universal Shield, then you have to enter that name after the "0=".

Save this file in the folder named "Data\Ignore_Reg" inside your Ace Utilities installation folder. Give the file a name like "Universal Shield". Remember, this file has no extenstion.

That's it.

I hope this helps. If you have any trouble, do post a reply.
Acelogix Software Team.

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