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Lost Registration Codes for Ace Utilities and Defragger

Posted: Sat Apr 23, 2005 7:59 pm
by impuwat
Dear Customer Service,

I've emailed a few times over the last few days. Will you please email my registration code? I have lost the codes for Ace Utilities and the Registry Defragger (which I believe I received free as a registered Ace user.) The problem: I have just bought a new computer
and have been unable to transfer Ace Utilities or the Defragger intact and functioning. They bring me back to the unregistered versions.

Would you please respond privately to the email address below? Many thanks,

Jason T Morgan
Sherborn, MA 01770

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2005 3:16 am
by Cal
The developer will contact you shortly! Thank you for you patience. :wink:

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2005 3:16 am
by hari

We had sent several emails to jasontmorgan(AT) ; seems they all have been deleted by your spam filter. Please check your 'Spam Folder'. If they are not there, please email us from any other email id like yahoo, etc.