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Posted: Sat Nov 06, 2004 5:24 pm
by pantomime_horse
HELP - I ran registry cleaner just recently and now I cannot access the the CD-ROM drive. I restored the Registry backup and everything appears to be OK now. But obviously I want to be able to use the Registry Cleaner or the product's usefulness is going to be somewhat diminished.

Also, I did not have the cd-drive, floppy, media boxes checked b/4 running Registry Cleanup. (See JazzBo's reply below...)

Please advise what to do.
Emilemma :D

Posted: Sat Nov 06, 2004 7:37 pm
by jazzbodepew
Hi Em*****A

Not sure if this will help but under "OPtions/Registry Cleaner...
Uncheck the two boxes reffering to "removable media/floppy/CD drives



Posted: Sat Nov 06, 2004 8:03 pm
by pantomime_horse
Wish that were the case.... the options to which you are referring were never checked before I began the scan....

Emilemma :D

Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2004 3:07 am
by hari
hi em*****a

Are you saying the CD drive could not be *seen* from My Computer ?

Please zip and send the folder ''My Documents\Ace Utilities Backups' to

Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2004 4:24 pm
by jazzbodepew
Hari can likely tell from the file he wants you to send :but in the meantime maybe it could help in the troubleshooting process if you :

Disable "Expert Mode"(if on)
uncheck the "Advanced" box in the Registry cleaner options .....

Run Ace (full Wizard) and see what happens.....

Maybe not though ..Could'nt hurt Me thinks..

Jazzbo - I'm confused

Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2004 5:11 pm
by emilemma to jazzbo
Jazzbo -
I'm cofused on your reply. I understand turning off "expert" mode, but I Thought the "advanced" option merely determines type of backup - (reg format, zip format, or no backup). Also by not using "expert" mode, don't you miss a lot of "clsid" and "typelib" entries that are no longer valid?

When you say use "wizard" , do you mean the wizard function which performs all the functions at once?

Emilemma :D

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2004 5:24 am
by hari
Don't worry Jazz and Em**ma,

It seems Ace is removing some valid entries. I have received the reg entries, will take a look and find what's wrong.

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2004 9:31 pm
by jazzbodepew
Sorry to be confusing on that Em***la..

I meant to say in the Optoions/Registry Cleaner/ run a "STANDARD" scan instead of the "THOUROUGH" scan..

Yes you will not get as many entries out but it will be a "Safer" scan and may refrain from removing the problem entries which cause the problem...

My theory is the same with the Expert mode..By being in Novice mode and doing standard scan of the registry you are operating in the safest mode of ACE...
This is the genius of ACE UTILITIES
It is possible that the entries in Question may NOT be removed...Possibly it could help Hari ,in troubleshooting, to have the "Safe" and the "Full" scan results..Especially if it eliminates the problem... This may not help but it is a way(method of troubleshooting) with the idea of eliminating possible questions while not doing harm over-all..

:idea: jazz.....aka........DenB........


Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2004 12:05 am
by FOR HARI...
I scanned each section as you suggested and could not re-create the CD problem. Also scanned all sections together and still no problem.

Then I discovered that "Roxio CD Creator" was causing the problem.
The fact that I had just previously run the Reg Clean the other day before the CD problem appeared was total coincidence.

Please accept my apology for my stupidity and for having wasted your time. Thanks again for your efforts!!!!

Emilemma :D

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2004 12:27 am
by Cal
Well, I'll say that its great that you let us know what the problem was because some people never let the forum community know if their problem was fix or not by what someone told them to try etc.!!!

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2004 4:26 am
by hari
Hi Em***ma,

Infact I had thought of it earlier and was about to mention the below URL
but then somehow forgot it. If you have not yet rectified it, visit the above link, it might help.

Anyway glad to know it's solved


Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2004 5:39 am
by pantomime_horse
I seem to have problem resolved now. Thanks for the link on CD problems. It is greatly appreciated!!!


Emilemma :D