Rome Total War error (help!)

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Rome Total War error (help!)

Post by cyanstorm » Tue Oct 12, 2004 5:43 am


I just purchased the suit and I think I made a great investment since it is quite a fantastic piece of cleaning software. Now to the problem, I just bought Rome total war and whenever I run Registry cleaner and THEN try to run Rome total war nothing happens, it never makes it past the intro screen and then it kicks me out to the desktop, the only way to fix this is to reinstall the game since not even when reverting to my old reg config works, please staff try to fix this bug or tell me how to bypass this since to me reg cleaner IS the reason why I bought this program and I dont want to reinstall rome total war everytime I run it!!



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Post by hari » Tue Oct 12, 2004 9:58 am

Hi cyanstorm,

First make sure the registry is clean from all invalids (even the ones related to the game). Then, re-install the game. After this, open the regcleaner, and do a scan. Instead of deleting the entries found (the entries now found will be the ones needed for the game to work), create a report and email it to us at

(To create a report, right click on the list after scanning, and click 'report' from the popup menu. Save the file)

After we get the report, we will create an ignore list file as soon as possible and send it back to you with instructions.
Hari, Acelogix Team

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