Fresh install new windows 10 x64 pro (october - november) update, as well as au
In section erase your history checking misc items causes au to close by itself
Nasty bug causes au to shutdown
Re: Nasty bug causes au to shutdown
Yes, I can confirm it.
Re: Nasty bug causes au to shutdown
Please look into this thing too, while you're at it:
http://www.acelogix.com/forums/viewtopi ... 2&t=13608/
http://www.acelogix.com/forums/viewtopi ... 2&t=13608/
Re: Nasty bug causes au to shutdown
I checked this earlier, but could not reproduce the error. Please send an email to support, so I can send you a debug version.
Hari, Acelogix Team
Hari, Acelogix Team