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SImple Suggestion?

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2005 4:25 pm
by jazzbodepew
Greeting to All;

Hey Hari!
I don't want to sound like a "broken record" but I want to mention the suggestion from earlier..

After we run the "Wizard" the re-start(yes/no) Box appears..
It is covering up the list of results..

Every time this happens I find myself moving the Box to the side or down so I can see the results of the scan..

Since I do a lot of this sort of thing I have a fair idea of what results lie under the box..
Of course then I strike the YES button to re-start the machine......
I believe that moving this box or some sort of transparency(by default) would reveal to the average user what has just been done ,for them,by ACE UTILITIES..

When the results are covered it seems to defeat the purpose of putting them there initially..

I would wager some users don't even know the results are under the re-start box...
When folks can readily see the results they can say,to a friend or a boss;
"Look at what ACE UTILITIES has just done!"
The person ,who is not familiar with ACE will see and say;
"I gots to git me that fine program!"
"What was the name of that program?"

I know this may seem very frivolous,to a programmer,but could be quite valuable in ACES' commercial advancement..

Your friend and Neighbor
:idea: jazzbo.........aka..........DenB................

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2005 4:20 am
by hari
Hi Jazz,

I will see what I can do about it.

The problem is, the message box's position cannot be changed.

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2005 5:24 am
by Cal
Hey Hari, can the message box be imbedded inside the results window?

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2005 5:28 am
by hari
the new beta takes care of it

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2005 8:21 am
by Cal
That was a great solution, I know Jazz will be thrilled!! :wink: