I was reading a review...

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I was reading a review...

Post by jon_fl » Sat Nov 13, 2004 3:49 pm

I read a review on Ace Utilities on toptenreviews.com and I see Ace Utilities won their bronze prize. Under the 'safety' recommendation whoever it recommends adding a severity rating to different scan results. I think this is a great idea personally and would welcome it if eventually it was included in the software.

The review is at the following URL:

http://www.registry-repair-software-rev ... eview.html

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Post by hari » Wed Nov 17, 2004 12:27 pm


thanks for the link.

Probably they wanted to see which entries are safe to delete. Ace lists only those entries which it thinks are safe to delete, and hence such an option is not needed IMHO. Ace hides all the entries it thinks are not safe.

Also, the reviewers run the software with default settings. They would not have seen the 'thorough' option.
Hari, Acelogix Team

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