That is nice idea for tweakntune.I am also wondering if Ace team have a near of far future plans for that.
I would gladly be a beta tester for it.Maybe some day
That needs a lot of testing, new gui, complete rewrite, vista and win7 support.
I think that there is no sense to work on freeware for win 7 like startup gard, couse antivirus do that job ass wll as
msconfig and au start manager.
Also Ram Optimizer, win7 has alredy integrated module for that, and everyone have at least 2gb of ram nowadays so
TweakNTune has biggest potential to "upgrade".
Also nice feature would be registry finder integrated in au.
Dont know why is shareware because there is regedit.
About perfect disk...
My friend has Perfect Disk, it has an active module in services,active startup program working in background, and that combined with startup antivirus and potentially some other startup program, has a bad impact for performance.He uninstalled it soon after installation.PC is not faster or something(for that you overclock processor).
My advice is that you use AU, and registry compactor as well as windows defragment.